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Best solution for DMC and incoming travel agencies. Automate your work with outgoing tour operators. Fully automated online data exchange. Manage your inventory, quotas. stocks. Receive orders, list of traveller's with detailed information about services they are requested.
best solution for Dmc and incoming travel agencies.
The product has been developed and maintained since 2000 and today operates in Greece, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Thailand, Tunisia and other countries.
  • Manage orders
    User-friendly interface, package services, import / export, booking, management.
  • Inventory management
    Quotation, management of places and blocks, Stop-Sale, transfers, excursions.
  • Accounts and settlements
    Accounts and settlements with suppliers and buyers.
  • Distribution
    Automation of the tourist product transfer process: prices, stops, quotas.
  • Statistics and Administration
    Reports, statistics. Full control including delimitation of user rights.
  • Integration with tour operators
    Automate work with tour operating companies. Full integration with operators on Master-Tour.
Detailed information
Key features of Master-Interlook.